Allen County
Sheriff's Office
(419) 227-3535

Allen County
Sheriff's Office

(419) 227-3535 • Sheriff Matthew B. Treglia
333 N. Main St. Lima, Ohio 45802

VINE Program

Allen County Sheriff’s Office VINE Program

A Service Provided by the:

  • Ohio Attorney General’s Office
  • Buckeye State Sheriffs’ Association
  • Ohio Prosecuting Attorneys’ Association
  • Ohio Department of Rehabilitation & Correction
  • Ohio Department of Youth Services
  • In partnership with the VINE Company

What is VINE?

Victim Information and Notification Everyday

VINE is the nation’s leading victim notification network. It allows survivors, victims of crime, and other concerned citizens to access timely and reliable information about offenders or criminal cases in U.S. jails and prisons.

Register to receive automated notifications via email, text, or phone call, or check custody status information online at any time.


For defendant custody information call 1-800-770-0192 and follow the prompts, visit, or download the VINE app.


Callers may choose to register for automated telephone notification when an offender has a change in status throughout the criminal justice process.

VINE. Registration Information

Please have the following information before calling the VINE hotline:

  • Offender’s Name
  • Inmate Number (for county inmates)
  • Institution Number (for DRC/DYS offenders)
  • Court Case Number (for court information)
  • PIN Code (your four-digit Personal ID#)
Information for VINE is also accessible here