Allen County
Sheriff's Office
(419) 227-3535

Allen County
Sheriff's Office

(419) 227-3535 • Sheriff Matthew B. Treglia
333 N. Main St. Lima, Ohio 45802


The Allen County Sheriff’s Office has teamed up with the Allen County Emergency Management Agency, Office of Homeland Security, to disseminate information concerning sheltering in place if and when an emergency occurs around your residence or business. When a community siren or other warning device alerts you of a hazardous release or a natural disaster you are instructed to shelter yourself.

Shelter-In-Place Procedures

  • Go Inside
  • Tune into your local radio or television stations for all on going emergency information
  • Close and lock all windows and doors to the outside
  • Turn off all heating and air conditioning units that draw outside air
  • Turn off all exhaust and ventilation systems
  • If you have a fireplace, close off the chimney flue

For more information visit